Wish Request Form & Table

If you’re searching for a specific book, feel free to use the Wish Request Form below.

The table below the Request Form allows users to track their requests by referring to the associated nickname they provided.

If you happen to own any items that other users are looking for, you are encouraged to list them for sale on 1stPrint.net. With only an 8% commission on sales, it’s a great opportunity to connect with buyers actively searching for first prints. Feel free to get in touch with me to start selling your items on the platform!

For any other inquiries, you can send an email at [email protected] or send a private message to the user “Caska” on Discord.

The Wishes in the table below are sorted by Title, then Volume, and finally by request date in chronological order.

If multiple people have wished for the same book, the person who made the request first will be contacted first, and so on.

If you want to delete or edit a Wish, please contact me: [email protected]